We recieved several requests about our star chart. Here was our reply.
Dear Friends,
This is the version of the star chart we currently use in the house, but you can create anything you like and customize it to your house.
Please note: This only works if you honor the value of the stars, and if you keep up with it. Don't give them freedoms they haven't earned without stars. Many nights one child who has no stars goes to be an hour earlier than everyone else because they didn't have any due to punishment or lack of work. Be strong, and you will set your kids up for success!
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
Mike and Melissa
It is difficult to read what you have written on the bottom side of your chart. It looks like on the left you have what they could be cashed in for, the middle might look what the child has earned up to that chart, not sure what the far right one is. We are in the process of making a chart for our children, 2 are old enough to do this.
I am not sure if I understand, does each child have their OWN chart or do you just use a different color for each on the same chart. Also, do you "make" your own stars? or are they stickers.
Thanks for your help... we are excited to impliment currancy.
Good questions. We use one star chart for all the kids. They each have their own color metallic pen and I draw a star everytime they earn one. When they cash one in or lose it, I circle it showing that it is now used. The great thing is that you can design this to what suits your family. Each child can have their own chart, you can use stickers, etc. Just make sure your are consistent with logging what they earn and what they have cashed in or it won't work.
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